Life in Iran - with Iranian born Artist, Mystic & Tai Chi Master Moji Naveed

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: A Spiritual Perspective on the current shift in Iran What does it mean to be a woman in Iran what does it mean to be Iranian-American.. How did this land of "Deep Spirituality, Mystic Traditons & Expanded Consciousness come under oppressive rule. How to use Consciousness to assist? How can we help at this time? How can we align our Consciousness to assist & support in the shift? What is needed from a Spiritual Perspective? our guest today "Moji" She is not able to give her last name as she still has family & friends in Tehran & travels there to visit. Persia/Iran is the land of mystics & spiritual teachers such as RUMI & HAFIZ... For the most part the people of Persia have this mysticism & spirituality woven in the fabric of their being & live this individually. How did the change occur to allow this Religious & Humanitarian oppression? Moji, born in Tehran has lived through the war & Revolution. She has lived through the stages. Schooled in the States having spent time in England & Italy as well as California she brings a point of view to the struggle for Individuation, Consciousness, cultural & lifestyle freedom that many Iranians are now in protest in hopes of their freedom to be, to speak and live openly. Imagine living in "secret societies" fearing prosecution for your views, your art or "western dress" Imagine having to have "secret parties and gatherings" in your home to wear the clothes, listen to the music and have the conversations that are fulfilling and self expressive to you. Please call in with your questions and lend your support in Consciousness. 347-539-5122 We are ALL ONE.. and the struggles & protest we see in other lands could very well occur here in s similar form. We can and are assisting in this Global-Universal Shift through Conscious Intention