Touched by a Miracle: EFT Healing Stories - JoAnn SkyWatcher

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: 12pm PST --- One on One with Michele ----MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update, answers your questions, and does channeled readings--- 12:45pm PST --- Welcome our Awakened Guest: JoAnn SkyWatcher is a teacher, author, artist, healer and spiritual coach. JoAnn lives with her husband, philosopher, speaker, life coach and author, Steve Ryals. JoAnn and Steve live an “off-the-grid” lifestyle in the coastal hills of northern California. JoAnn is a lifelong lover of nature, and feels that her connections to the natural world and to her Essence are among the greatest gifts she has to share with the world. JoAnn uses Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) combined with a deep awareness of Spirit to obtain truly transformational results for her clients.