Astrologer Brian Evis and his predictions for 2012

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: 12pm PST ---  Host MICHELE MEICHE and her guest co-host Paolo Doro share thier weekly Soul Insights, Meditations, Healing, Activation and Acceleration work for Soul Alignment. What is your Soul's Purpose & how can you actualize this? What is your role, your path, and what are the signs in your life and in the world telling you? Call in for channeled guidance readings, and psychic mediumship readings. Call in and share your path of awakening and Soul Alignment. You may also email your questions to be covered on air at The second portion of the show is Conversations with Awakened Guests. Michele dialogues with spiritual teachers, healers, conscious experts, visionaries, awakened leaders, authors, conscious beings and people of all walks of life that are focused on living consciously. This week’s conversation is with Brian Evis is a Certified Professional Astrologer by the International Society of Astrological research,(ISAR),  one of the top two world-wide astrological organizations. Since the early 80's Brian has provided astrological counseling and consulting services for thousands of clients, including millionaires, major celebrities, academy award winning film makers, and successful, and soon to be successful average people. He has been lecturing at professional astrological seminars for the past dozen years and was on this show in October 2008 where he successfully predicted that Obama would become president.