Call-in Night and "What about Crowley?"

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On this coming Thursday night, August 19th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour will have "call-in night" led and monitored by host Poke Runyon. As a main topic we will discuss the magical attributes and detriments of "The Naughtiest Man in the World," Aleister Crowley. Of course this topic is specifically chosen to get you to call in. We expect a 'spirited' response, especially from Thelemites. Poke will read selections from Crowley's poetry, review the recent "Crowley" movie, also the Somerset Maugham novel and film, "The Magician." We'll discuss The Book of the Law in relation to The Enochian Key of the Thirty Aethyrs, and offer some droll Crowley antidotes. If you don't like Crowley we'll defend him. If you do like him, we'll attack him: all of which he would enjoy immensely -- and so will we! Don't miss it. 93 skidoo!