The Importance of Teaching Your Child to Communicate | Part 3

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Teaching Your Child Communication By Example There are many things that we teach our children by simply showing them how to do it.  One of the most important and sometimes difficult things about parenting is that we must always be aware there are little eyes watching everything we do.  This means our words and actions need to match up. We must teach them how to communicate by example.  We each need to ask ourselves, what do my children see when I am angry?  Are we able to process and talk through things when we are upset or do we take out our anger on those around us?  Remember we must teach communication intentionally and one of the biggest ways children learn is by observing those closest to them. Another area that we can teach by example is how to listen.  One of the first places we can be an example in listening is with our children.  This is not always as easy as it sounds.  How many times do we absently answer a child’s question without really listening to what they are saying? Are there ever times that we assess a situation and make up our minds about what happened without listening to our children?  That is just in everyday situations, when a child is acting out listening can become even more difficult.  We need to remember to be intentional because our children will learn how to listen from how we listen to […]