The Guardian Tank 80 (Eld Has 100% Resist To Staying On Topic)

The Guardian Tank show

Summary: THE GUARDIAN: Episode 80 --Introduction: Hello, This is Eldoric “The Guardian Tank” here with “The Guardian Tank PODCAST”. Your Dedicated Source For Tanking News, Techniques and Related Topics. This is episode 80. Brought to you by trying to record on Super Bowl Sunday. It just isn’t going to happen. Real Sponsor: Complete Games and Hobbies Colorado Springs Tejon Street. Guest host: Khira No more submissions for Guest Host New Record Times and release times --Tanking Tips, Tricks and Techniques: 1. Listener Host Tip 2. Guest Tip 3. Eld’s Tip Write in tip: Boss Fight of the Week: --Questions Eld, Are you happy your New York Team stole this Super Bowl? Go Pats Ed J. Hello eldoric I have a question about Druid tank stats. My worgen Druid is currently at about 40% dodge and about 200k health unbuffed. I am wondering what would be the best stat to work on in the future?  I am a avid listener and I try to follow your golden rule on tanking. Hopeprana Alterac mountains I'd like to commend on the last 10 minutes(ish) of the show.  I disagree about Raid Finder & Dragon Soul ruining the game.  While I cannot argue that it may leave a sour taste in your own mouth, I think you are looking at the situation from an entirely selfish or entitled/elitist perspective. Please "BEAR" with me and suffer through this long email. The Raid Finder should be considered several things, many of what the community asked for. 1) An alternative to 5man for Valor points 2) A way for people to see content without affecting normal modes 3) A way to have smaller gaps in progression You mention that Raid Finder should be a Challenge and leave you feeling with a sense of accomplishment. Even though I agree about the need to feel challenged and accomplished, this is too subjective and is not something you can measure or gauge. Can you propose a method of gauging "challenge" for the millions of players? Saying Raid Finder has ruined the game is like saying Dailies have ruined the game, or that there are Holiday events, or that there are normal mode 5mans in addition to heroic mode 5 mans. What I've been noticing from public speakers is there is a complaint about the Haves, and the Have Nots. I've seen many Bloggers and Podcasters in the last couple of weeks say "They're not being elitist........But". They don't want Raid Finder to exist, because why should someone else see Deathwing if they haven't because they chose not to use RF. Or that they don't want the  Dragon Soul nerf because they themselves are not finished with Normal. (or not finished with Heroic.) The point here is that not everyone is playing the same game or playing at the same level. Someone's Normal Mode wall is someone else's Heroic mode wall. Some people see Raid Finder as a way to complete their expansion experience, others may see it as a way to help them close the Gear Gap they may need to push farther into Normal or even heroic mode. I'd like to offer at least one additional detailed perspective to consider Raid Finder for, before dwelling so much on how it has "Ruined the game" for so many, as you've put it. Raid Finder is a way to prepare for normal mode raiding. Just like you may have had to do normal 5 mans before moving onto heroic 5 mans at the beginning of Cataclysm (Or wrath... or Burning Crusade), Raid finder allows a smaller increments of gear progression. Picture a staircase where the bottom is Pre-raid gear, and the top is Heroic Mode Dragonsoul. This flight of stairs has only 2 steps to get to the second floor.  That's a big leap for some and the attempts to get to the next step can be painful. With Raid Finder, you've added in a 3rd step, but y