Episode 3b: Getting Ready and Organized

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: Get Ready, Get Organized and Get the Money. I lay out the steps I follow to get ready on a new project and how I set up my office. There are some great FREE products that can help. Providing Value is the Key I listen to a lot of different podcasts and the people I listen to are not constantly pushing products and services and trying to get you to go to their $1,000 seminars or mentoring program. Just as I do, they will mention different affiliate products or services where they get a small commission of what is sold. This is to cover the cost of the video expenses since the file sizes are huge. If you are planning to get into affiliate marketing using video, you need to find a service where you will be able to put those videos up for free and not totally get booted off it. If you are providing value and good service, you will probably be able to put them up on video sharing sites like You Tube and such, but they are fairly short. For me to be able to produce these videos, I need to pay for my own bandwidth and my own hosting of the videos. Since they are going on Roku and other internet TV services, I need to also cover the cost of that bandwidth. That is why I mention different affiliate products I use. Hopefully, if you decide to purchase them, they will kick back a little bit of that sale to me. It is usually a very small percentage but it all adds up. If I can open your doors to affiliate marketing you will come back in the future and who knows, maybe we will do business together. We will see how everything goes. What I really would like is if you could give me your feedback on the show. If you have any questions or comments, go to yourbossblows.com and put them there. Using a Netbook If you are doing this and you have a laptop computer, I really like the idea of working off the little notebook computers because they are really small and compact. You can take them anywhere. You do not look super goofy walking around all over town with this little tiny netbook. They are small and they can go anywhere. You can get a cool little case that looks like a day planner or something. I just really like using those products. The key though is to get one that has a good amount of memory. If it does not come with at least 2 gig or more, you could always buy it. It is really easy to open up the back and slide in a different memory chip. Those are the drawbacks to having one of those. You do not want to make it a full-time computer, but it is a good extra computer to have. For a list of great netbook computers that are currently on sale, please visit - Netbook Computer Sales on Buy.com Get Serious I could have a couple different information sources open, to include my blogs and my affiliate programs. It saves you a ton of time and it really does not cost that much. The monitors I have are like 21 inches, but they look like 21 to 23 inches. They are only like $125.00 and the display adapter is just a little video splitter that plugs into my laptop. I could have it go through USB. It is not a splitter, just a USB adapter. I have one coming off the laptop display and then the other one through the USB display. It works out really well. I could have three monitors if I want. If I wanted to use my laptop monitor too, but that I tried it for like a day and it was just totally different size, distracting off to the side, just didn’t work, but that will speed up your productivity quite a bit. But you want to have it at a nice quiet location inside of your house, away from all the distractions, no TV. If you are really serious about getting this done you are not going to be sitting in front of the TV working on your laptop, it just does not work. I mean you are going to be so distracted it is going to take you forever to get anything done. If you are just clearing out email or doing some random stuff, then, you could probably sit down with the wife and kids while everyone’s watching TV, and do some random stuff.