Episode 3b: Getting Ready and Getting Organized

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: Setting up your work space, password management & free cloud storage. I am Bryan Knowlton with yourbossblows.com. This is the continuation of Episode No. 3. Marketing Your Videos I listen to a lot of different podcasts and the people I listen to are not constantly pushing products and services and trying to get you to go to their $1,000 seminars or mentoring program. Just as I do, they will mention different affiliate products or services where they get a small commission of what is sold. This is to cover the cost of the video expenses since the file sizes are huge. If you are planning to get into affiliate marketing using video, you need to find a service where you will be able to put those videos up for free and not totally get booted off it. If you are providing value and good service, you will probably be able to put them up on video sharing sites like You Tube and such, but they are fairly short. For me to be able to produce these videos, I need to pay for my own bandwidth and my own hosting of the videos. Since they are going on Roku and other internet TV services, I need to also cover the cost of that bandwidth. That is why I mention different affiliate products I use. Hopefully, if you decide to purchase them, they will kick back a little bit of that sale to me. It is usually a very small percentage but it all adds up. If I can open your doors to affiliate marketing you will come back in the future and who knows, maybe we will do business together. We will see how everything goes. What I really would like is if you could give me your feedback on the show. If you have any questions or comments, go to yourbossblows.com and put them there. Rate Me in iTune It would help out a ton if you rate me in iTunes and let others know what you think of this show. It is really kind of amateurish right now and we have not gotten into all the step-by-step teachings. This is my first time really doing a video other than short little videos, so we are both learning together. I hope to teach you everything I know about making money online because it has really changed my life and it only keeps getting better. The Netbook If you are doing this and you have a laptop computer, I really like the idea of working off the little notebook computers because they are really small and compact. You can take them anywhere. You do not look super goofy walking around all over town with this little tiny netbook. They are small and they can go anywhere. You can get a cool little case that looks like a day planner or something. I just really like using those products. The key though is to get one that has a good amount of memory. If it does not come with at least 2 gig or more, you could always buy it. It is really easy to open up the back and slide in a different memory chip. Those are the drawbacks to having one of those. You do not want to make it a full-time computer, but it is a good extra computer to have. Double Monitors Maybe you will be using multiple computers as I do. I have a desktop at home. I keep this presentation on a laptop just because when I go away on the weekend or if I go out of town, I like to have my work computer with me. I sometimes need to change things related to doing the appraisal reports and if I do not have it with me then it is kind of a pain. It just gives me more freedom to do what I want and that really works out well. I can complete an appraisal anywhere in the country or do any revisions on an appraisal and submit it without a problem. I can be completely out of town. So that is what I do at my office and I try to keep my office fairly clean and organized. It just makes things easier and the dual-monitor display really helps out. I have them turned vertical because my files are legal size for the appraisals. It is really simple for me to have my work file on one monitor and then have any data sources on the other. But when I am doing my affiliate marketing, or anything on the internet,