Episode 6: Affiliate Summit Show Coverage

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: I made this short video about my first night in Las Vegas for Affiliate Summit West 2012. The convention hasn't even started yet, but I had the great opportunity to learn more about making money online with mobile traffic and offers. The private session was put on by Tracking 202, Jumptap and NeverBlue. Since the mobile market is exploding right now and there are a bunch of affiliates making a bunch of money pushing mobile offers to mobile traffic, I just had to attend. It was a really good presentation about using the tracking information provided by NeverBlue and Tracking 202 to find out exactly where your offers are converting the best. Using the tracking systems along with a company that sells mobile traffic, like JumpTap, you can efficiently manage your spending and targeting to make sure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck. This is a little more of an advanced topic to cover prior to covering the steps to just get a website onine, but if you are even thinking of targeting the mobile market to                    earn money online, then this is a great place to start. The main thing to remember when working with mobile is that offers tend to go stale quicker than offers that you are promoting on websites. That means you really need to keep a close eye on your analytics to make sure to fine tune where you traffic is going at all times. But the analytics that is offered by Tracking 202 is amazing. You can find out exactly what offers are converting down to the service provider on the phone, what operating system it runs and even the model # of the phone itself. You can also find out what hours and days convert the best and when purchasing traffic and promoting offers, you will be able to purchase only the specific traffic that converts the best. You might find a ring tone offer might due the best on the verizon network, Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.0 OS. So you will want to only purchase that traffic (and of course all the other profitable traffic based on your analytics) and shut off the rest. You can also tweak the flow of traffic if you find that you are not making money between 8am - 3pm weekdays and all day Sunday. You can shut off the traffic you are purchasing at that time as well so your offers are not shown during those periods. This is an amazing time to get in to mobile marketing make money from home . Make sure to visit the companies listed above for more information if you want to learn more about making money online with mobile traffic. I have a very busy day tomorrow and will be covering all the details in my upcoming videos! One thing I found out was that the upload speed at both my hotel and the Affiliate Summit pressroom is really slow for video uploads, so some videos might be delayed by a day. I will get them up as soon as possible so you can get those money making ideas as soon as possible!   Thanks again for visiting, now go make some money! Bryan Knowlton Producer – Your Boss Blows