Episode 5: Happy New Year! Now earn some money!

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: Hey Everyone! I know it has been a little while since my last video, so I just wanted to give you an update on what I have been working on and what is to come. I had a delay in making more videos on how to earn money online because I was trying to get my public ROKU channel approved. At the time this was my primary market as I wanted to do things differently from the standard podcasts that are available at this time. Looking back, I should have delayed the release of my iTunes and YouTube make money online videos until I got the ROKU channel completed so there would be no delays in production. I found that there was a huge desire for how-to videos on how to earn money online and thousands of people downloaded the podcasts and videos. I set some goals and decided I would start creating my step-by-step series starting in January after Affiliate Summit West 2012 #ASW2012. I thought it would be a great idea to share my Affiliate Summit experience with you and relay all the information that I learn while I am out there. It is going to be in Las Vegas and I am very excited about the trip. While I am at Affiliate Summit, I will also conduct some interviews with some big names in the affiliate marketing industry and hopefully conduct some other interviews and make additional videos on my experiences while I am there from my Hotel and from the show itself. I can't wait! If you are really serious about learning Affiliate Marketing, it is a great idea to attend these shows. You will learn a ton of great information and meet a lot of great people in the industry. Another thing I wanted to let everyone know if they were thinking about the Amazonian Profit Plan and they were discouraged in California since at the time of my last videos, Amazon shut down their Amazon Associates affiliate system to residents in California due to sales tax issues. The Governor must have heard the angry voices of over 70,000 affiliates and the bill was not passed and Amazon opened its doors back up to California Affiliate Marketers. So if you are in California and were thinking of writing reviews on Amazon Products as a method to earn money online, then get started! I still think it is one of the best ways to get your feet wet and start learning about how you can make money online. It will only get better from there. Until next time, Just Do It!!! Thanks again for visiting, now go make some money! Bryan Knowlton Producer – Your Boss Blows