Episode 7: Interview with Jeremy Shoemaker

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: You are going to love this interview. I had the opportunity at the recent Affiliate Summit West 2012 convention to interview Jeremy 'Shoemoney' Shoemaker. One of the top affiliate marketers in our industry and also one of the most popular affiliate marketers. He has been in the game for over 10 years and sharing his experiences with others for over 9 years now. I started following him from the very beginning, checking out his posts on the message boards, listening to his podcasts on webmaster radio and checking his blog frequently. Back then he was one of the first companies to show up when you were searching using the terms 'make money online'. The famous photo of his historic google check for $132K was all over the internet and he was a great starting point when wanting to learn more about the industry and how to earn money online. Shoemoney explains what got him in to the industry, how he started making money online and why he decided to provide the closing keynote at the Affiliate Summit West convention. Shoemoney is retiring?! You will have to watch this video or listen to the podcast to find out if Jeremy Shoemaker is deciding to retire from the industry! More interviews to come! Unfortunately I was plagued with a very poor internet connection and was having system problems when I was out in Las Vegas, but I was able to record a few other interviews while I was there. Make sure to sign up to the newsletter to be notified when new videos are posted and get tips and advice on how to earn money online! Thanks again for watching! Enjoy! Bryan Knowlton