"Flourless" Sprouted Grain Bread, Alvarado Street Bakery, Michael Girkout

Family Food Experts show

Summary: Can you imagine "flourless" bread? If you have ever baked bread, you know you use bags of flour. Not so with Alvarado Street Bakery. Michael Girkout, president of this worker owned and managed co-op business (fascinating successful business model), tells how bread is made out of sprouted grains. He also explains the nutritional benefits of these "pre-digested" nutrients. Listen to how even their truck drivers participate in management decisions and share equally in the profits. It is clear why Alvarado Street Bakery has consistently produced the highest quality of nutrient-filled breads kids and adults love. If you miss the live show, tune into the archived version. Great stuff! (Yes, recipes, too.) ... for the health of your family, Ellen and Sally