Spelt, the Only Complete Protein Grain, Donald Stinchcomb, Purity Foods

Family Food Experts show

Summary: Bet you have never heard of the grain, spelt. It is the only grain which naturally is a complete protein. Yet, it has been around for thousands of years - even mentioned in the Bible. Donald Stinchcomb, president of Purity Foods, maker of Vita Spelt products, will share with us the extraordinary nutrient value of spelt. You will also learn that there are lots of delicious spelt products ready for you to serve your family - even spelt pretzels. We will also share some recipes so have your pen and paper ready to take notes and start your grocery list. Sally Byrd, ND, and I look forward to your joining us. Call in your questions. We are here to make it easier for you to feed your family healthier foods which taste good. Call in number: 914-803-4081. ... for the health of your family, Ellen