Dr. Bob Sears' new book, Happy Baby, the Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months.

Family Food Experts show

Summary: Dr. Bob Sears, a member of the noted pediatrician Sears family, has just released his new book, Happy Baby, the Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months. In it, he gives you an invaluable answer to every question that crosses a new mom's mind... dad's too. Dr. Bob not only focuses on the critical difference good health care brings to an infant and toddler, with an emphasis on how to feed them, he also devotes a chapter to the care of moms. Dr. Bob knows the personal challenges moms of babies face and offers advice to keep you healthy and happy. Happy Baby - Happy Mom - the two go together. Listen to his interview. Dr. Bob imparts lots of wisdom and facts so have a pen a paper ready to take notes. Tune in on Fridays, noon to 1pm EST or listen to the archives. Right here on Blog Talk Radio/Better Food Choices.