Protecting Project Pulp No 4: Valentine Wood

Protecting Project Pulp » Podcast show

Summary: Main Fiction: "Kroom, Son of the Sea" by Valentine Wood, first published in Top-Notch, June 15 1930. Valentine Wood was a pseudonym possibly used in this case by author Walker A. Tompkins. Narrator: Bob Hoe. "He was spending the remaining hours of his boyhood sharpening and resharpening the obsidian knife that he, in common with all the grown men of the Fish People, wore thrust through the belt of the sharkskin loincloth that was his sole article of clothing. On the morrow he was to take his first term of duty as chief sentry on the Sentry Rock, above the submerged opening of the great Intake." Also in this episode: A brief interview with Pulp Fiction aficionado, Jason Carney