No Market Radio 0027 – Very NPR-y

Hyper Nonsense (syndication01) show

Summary: We're back! This could be described as our St. Patrick's Day episode, (as done in the style of NPR). So, naturally, there is lots of talk about alcohol and a Celtic song in this one. It was the very first episode that we did live on Mixlr. This episode is also the first one where I'm doing the show notes instead of Shawn (something that has never happened in our entire history of podcasting together). * Thank you to ROOStar and MooGyver for hanging out with us on Mixlr! * Those of you who are really bored can check out the trial run that Shawn did on Mixlr. It's archived there, so why not? Boozin'! * We share the story of how we managed to find the Carolans at the BevMo. * Carolans is gluten-free * BevMo! * Dan Murphy's * Bailey's - not gluten-free * Jack Daniel's - is gluten-free * Shawn shares the story of how he found his favorite drink, ever. * Buffalo Trace Bourbon - possibly gluten-free Not Boozin'! * Shawn shares his story about learning how to coffee. * Surprise visits from strangers, bearing Starbucks through Favor. * What's in McDonald's Shamrock Shakes? (You may not want to know). * Try this Copycat Shamrock Shake instead. You can do it with either milk or soy (depending on your allergies). This, of course, leads to a conversation about McRib, and McPizza and a discussion about fast food places going out of business. R00Star sent us a link to an NPR article about some of the weird stuff Elvis ate. Makes you hungry, yet horrified. * Moving towards better health, Shawn reviews an app called Couch to 5K. Video Games * Listen to the very first ever (it's actually the second) No Market Radio live SongPop challenge! Do you play SongPop? See if you can beat Shawn. Send him a friend request at if you want to play. * ROOStar checked out the No Market website and found a lot of Diablo stuff. Why? Jen does a Diablo III podcast (with Nevik, Breja, and Lanntonio) called Shattered Soulstone on the Dawnforge network. Somewhere in here might be what Shawn was trying to remember: * Do they have porcupines in Australia? Is an echidna a porcupine? By the end, we bring it all back to St. Patrick's Day. In Chicago, they dye the river green for St. Patrick's Day: This got talked about earlier, but I thought it would be nice to see a video. * We played Talking to Walls, with a song called "Black Hearts Parade". Get subscribed to No Market Radio via RSS or iTunes. Follow No Market on Twitter. Send an e-mail to info(at)nomarket(dot)org or leave us a comment below. We'd love to hear from you! Click the play button below to get boozin' now!