Coping with Redundancy

ActionPodcast show

Summary: If you have been laid off recently then join the ever-increasing club – it’s a fact of working life now, so I empathise. Many of us know what you’re going through right now – and it hurts. It’s happened to me twice in my career and I know only too well how painful the experience can be. And how much it can affect relationships with everyone around us, especially those closest to us who are often just as anxious as we are. And can take the brunt of it all, if we’re not careful. [amazon ASIN="1906821267"]Overcoming redundancy: Brilliant ideas to help you bounce back (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1845491017"]Rebuilding Your Life After Redundancy: The New Life Network Handbook (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1845282817"]The Career Change Handbook: How to Find Out What You're Good at and Enjoy - Then Get Someone to Pay You for It [/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1580089879"]What Color is Your Parachute? 2010: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1857038630"]Turn Redundancy to Opportunity : Proven Techniques and Programmes for Taking Charge of Your Own Future[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1841127760"]Burning the Suit: Fighting Back Against the Aftershock of Redundancy[/amazon] Gina's full blog post can be found at