faire le grand écart is to be torn between

French Etc » Mot du jour Podcast show

Summary: faire le grand écart – to do the big gap or to do the split. faire le grand écart means ‘to be torn between.’ * « Il fait toujours le grand écart entre vivre à Paris et vivre aux Baux-de-Provence (http://www.frenchetc.org/2011/05/24/bauxdeprovence/). » “He’s still torn between living in Paris and living in Baux-de-Provence.” présent (http://www.frenchetc.org/grammar-insight/tenses-and-modes/present-tense/) :  je fais le grand écart, nous faisons le grand écart imparfait (http://www.frenchetc.org/grammar-insight/tenses-and-modes/past-tenses/) :  je faisais le grand écart, nous faisions le grand écart futur (http://www.frenchetc.org/2011/10/10/future-tense-in-french/) :  je ferai le grand écart, nous ferons le grand écart Related:  About Paris (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/blogue/aboutparis/) . Baux de Provence (http://www.frenchetc.org/2011/05/24/bauxdeprovence/) . Méli-mélo d’expressions (http://www.frenchetc.org/2009/08/14/meli-melo-dexpressions/) . Lost in translation (http://www.frenchetc.org/2012/03/22/lost-translation/) . First french words (http://www.frenchetc.org/2007/10/18/first-french-words-phrases/) . English words in French (http://www.frenchetc.org/2011/01/11/english-words-french/) . Try using this expression today. Access to Free weekly podcasts (http://www.frenchetc.org/podcasts/) . Home blogue . About France (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/blogue/aboutfrance/) . About Paris (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/blogue/aboutparis/) . French Songs and Poems (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/blogue/songs/) . About French (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/blogue/aboutfrench/) . French vocabulary bites (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/manuel/vocabularybites/) . French manuel (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/manuel/) . French textbook (http://www.frenchetc.org/category/homecategory/manuel/french-textbook/)  for members only . Post your comment about this right down here at ‘Leave a Reply’. Come to FRENCH ETC. for French, French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture, about France, about French, français, vocabulaire, learn French, French podcasts, learn French by podcast, French language podcasts, French tutorial, French one on one, French expressions, expressions, e-learning, learning French, French online, France, listening comprehension, dictées, French dictation, sign up for FRENCH ETC. at frenchetc.org (http://www.frenchetc.org/fe-signup-page/) Bonne journée française !