Episode 21 – Mini Me

Total iPad show

Summary: Tonight on Total iPad I was joined by Jennifer Ruggiero and we discuss the iPad mini rumors, once again. Looks like a smaller iPad or a larger iPod Touch is going to happen and probably on September 12th. I talk about the papernomad case I reviewed this past week, what a terrific case. Make sure you read my review on Total iPad. Note applications, I talk about 2 of my favorite applications and some of the pros and cons of them. Last but not least my iPad tip for the week. Jennifer is going to be a regular co-host on Total iPad each week. Total iPad will now be recorded every Wednesday evening, if you are not subscribed yet be sure to do so in iTunes. You can also listen to the weekly Total iPad podcast on Stitcher Radio Show Links: Total iPad - Mini Rumors iPad Mini Rumors Sept. 12 event. Maybe an iPad Mini announcement? Show Reviews: papernomad Review Apple Smart Case Review Show App Links: Notability - Take Notes & Annotate PDFs with Dropbox Sync - Ginger Labs Penultimate - Evernote Evernote - Evernote Microsoft OneNote for iPad - Microsoft Corporation Box for iPhone and iPad - Box.net, Inc. Show Tip: WebDAV made easy Total iPad is proud member of both the Tech Podcast Network and the Blubrry Podcast Network Follow Total iPad on Twitter @totalipad Like Total iPad on Facebook Follow on Google+