300 Podcast Answer Man – The Importance of Networking With Others Online – My Story of Networking With Pat Flynn – Google Shuts Down Reader, Is Feedburner Next?

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Summary: Celebrating My 300th Episode I knew that I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 300th episode of Podcast Answer Man. I thought that sharing one of the greatest keys to my success would be the perfect way to do that. What is this key to success? It's the value that I place on the relationships of the people that I have intentionally chosen to do life with. To give you an example of this, I invited my great friend, Pat Flynn from SmartPassiveIncome.com to join me for this episode. Through our conversation, you'll learn how Pat and I first met back on December 3rd, 2009 and how we came to develop the relationship that we have had since that time. You'll hear a little bit about our mastermind group relationship and how, through this mastermind group, Pat inspired two of the biggest wins within my online business so far. As I said in this episode, my relationship with Pat is just one of many relationships that I value just as highly. It is my hope that this episode inspires you to take your intentional relationships to the "next level."     Google Shuts Down Google Reader, Is Feedburner Next? Many people noticed that when they logged into their Google Reader account, yesterday, the following message was displayed on their screen: CLICK HERE TO READ FULL SHOW NOTES