Get Fit Pod #208 Jog 5: Walk 5

Get Fit Pod show

Summary: Get Fit Pod #208 Walk It Off Jog 5: Walk 5 This workout takes it up another notch! Jog 5 minutes. Walk 5 minutes. Do 3 times. With each of the jogging/walking interval workouts you are raising the stakes. So find your Inner Crazy person and go crazy on this workout! Focus on your technique: Elongated spine, arms at 90°, foot falls underneath your hips (not out in front of you) and feel like you are being pulled along by your bellybutton. Don't forget to check if you can hold a conversation wile jogging. If not, walk it off and come back in when you can. Good luck!   With fierce music by George Elias, Love shadow, Scott Latham, Cat Complex, and Cometic you'll be feeling fabulous in no time! This workout is featured in the Get Fit Pod Training Plans, your personal guide to crossing that finish line with a big fat smile on your face. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an advanced athlete there is a Training Plan perfectly suited for you. Just visit to find out more! Click here to get the latest GFP Podcast delivered to your inbox and follow Get Fit Pod on Twitter and Facebook and Google+.