CBR 127: Russian River Spotlight

Craft Beer Radio Podcast show

Summary: "CBR 127: Russian River Spotlight","Scott Smith from East End Brewing joins us in the studio for a Russian River spotlight show. In this show we sample 5 of their Belgian style beers. With all the hype around the brewery did, the show live up to our expectations? Tune in and find out. Beer: <ul> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/12770">Damnation</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/13741">Redemption</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/13742">Salvation</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/17442">Perdition</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/9474">Temptation</a></li> </ul> <b>Rankings:</b> <ul> <li>Jeff: 1. Temptation, 2. Damnation, 3. Salvation, 4. Redemption, 5. Perdition</li> <li>Greg: 1. Temptation, 2. Redemption, 3. Damnation, 4. Salvation, 5. Perdition</li> <li>Scott: 1. Redemption, 2. Temptation, 3. Damnation, 4. Salvation, 5. Perdition</li> </ul> <b>Extras</b> <ul> <li> <a href="http://www.craftbeerradio.com/node/730">Preshow</a> <a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/13302/28751">Buternuts Brewing - Porkslap Pale Ale</a> </li> <li><a href="http://www.craftbeerradio.com/node/731">Postshow</a></li> </ul> " "CBR 127: Russian River Spotlight","Scott Smith from East End Brewing joins us in the studio for a Russian River spotlight show. In this show we sample 5 of their Belgian style beers. With all the hype around the brewery did, the show live up to our expectations? Tune in and find out. Beer: <ul> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/12770">Damnation</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/13741">Redemption</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/13742">Salvation</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/17442">Perdition</a></li> <li><a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/863/9474">Temptation</a></li> </ul> <b>Rankings:</b> <ul> <li>Jeff: 1. Temptation, 2. Damnation, 3. Salvation, 4. Redemption, 5. Perdition</li> <li>Greg: 1. Temptation, 2. Redemption, 3. Damnation, 4. Salvation, 5. Perdition</li> <li>Scott: 1. Redemption, 2. Temptation, 3. Damnation, 4. Salvation, 5. Perdition</li> </ul> <b>Extras</b> <ul> <li> <a href="http://www.craftbeerradio.com/node/730">Preshow</a> <a href="http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/13302/28751">Buternuts Brewing - Porkslap Pale Ale</a> </li> <li><a href="http://www.craftbeerradio.com/node/731">Postshow</a></li> </ul> "