We speak of Survival with Author Jana Chantel - Apr 20,2012

It Matters | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Life has its ups and downs, yet how many can overcome the deep valleys of sorrow and come out a winner? This broadcast we will speak of Survival. Detroit native, Jana` Chantel, is a graduate of Grand Valley State University, where she received a degree in creative writing. Inspired by her own personal tragedies, Jana` lends voice to her pain in hopes of helping other young adults work through theirs as well. "The goal of this book is to uplift and inspire. Weve all been through some sort of adversity in our lives, by sharing mines, I hope to help others get through theirs. Ive been through it and came out standing. I want the world to know that they can come out standing too." --Jana` Chantel A fascinating true story that sears into the readers heart, Jana` Chantel presents the details of her tumultuous childhood in Detroit, of a woman whose memory of a violent upbringing is still fresh in her mind. She begins by recalling the death of her mother who was murdered in cold blood when Jana was just a year old. Call in @ 213-769-0952 or visit our chat room. 9PM EDT,8PM CDT,6PM PDT. Be sure to sign up to Authorsinfo & join It Matters chatroom & Group.