How To Sell The Benefits Of What You Sell In A Way That You’ve Never Done Before (And Get Many More Sales)

More Leads and Customers | Small Business Marketing show

Summary:   Full Transcription Hi! This is Alexi Neocleous. Today, I have a confession to make. Whenever I shave… and hopefully that's as infrequent as possible… I use my wife's pink razors. Now, I know it sounds like a silly way to open up a marketing video but stick with me because there's a reason why I am opening up this video like this. I shave with my wife’s razors, there are couple of reasons. The functional benefits that I get are very clear. First up, the razors shave much more closely. Secondly, they actually run along my face much more smoothly and… Third, I get a better result. But the truth is… Every time I use them I feel like an idiot. I feel actually quite embarrassed using it … much less talking about this on camera right now. But, the reason why I am telling you about this is because there are some marketing lessons here. And it’s simply this... Why do I feel so silly using her pink razors to shave my face? That's because every product that we buy have inbuilt deeper level benefits. They speak to our character roles and our achievement roles… These are different roles in our lives that we perceive ourselves to be playing. Let me give you an example. Let's talk about the middle-aged man who buys a Ferrari. Now, practically speaking, this person does not need to get a Ferrari to get around, especially in a city like Sydney or New York or Paris. There's a lot of traffic. So, why does this man buy a Ferrari? He’ll tell his friends that it’s the speed or it’s the beautiful colour or whatever… but there are other reasons much deeper. One of those is a status… as a symbol of his success. Another is… as a sign of his virility. Or it could be as an alpha male… a symbol of being an alpha male and leader. These are much deeper benefits that Ferrari never really speak about directly in their advertising. But they do allude to them through their imagery, through their stories and their narratives. Now, here's another example. Getting VIP treatment, say at restaurants or airlines. For example, getting VIP treatment by American Express. They have certain levels of service that they give with their Platinum and their Black card members. One of those being champagne on arrival… whenever you use your card to book into certain restaurants on their list. Why do they do that? Because of the status. About being perceived as a special, successful individual. Take as another example and this is the final example - Apple products. I'm an Apple fan. I love Apple's functional benefits. But let's be honest here… there are many other benefits that Apple delivers. One of those is being perceived to be cool or hip or creative. Comparing Mac products to PC, people that use Apple products tend to be more artistic. That (the product) speaks to various roles in their lives. So, with your products, think about that. Think about the deeper benefits that your products deliver over and above the functional benefits. Now, I want to talk about the one-on-one coaching. I’ve had a massive response to it. I did allocate two spots. They are all gone. Now, what I've done is... I’ve had a look at my schedule and I’ve opened up a few more spots… only a couple. So, if you've been contemplating about speaking to me or working with me one-on-one… Now is the time to do it, for two reasons: a) When these next spots get filled up, that will be end because I can't possibly fit anymore in the schedule. b) Prices will definitely go up by the next time you hear about this. Now, I don't plan on talking about it again for many, many months. Right now, the investment is $2k per month for two meetings a month including email access. When you hear about this again, which will be in many months’ time, like I said, it will be at least two and a half grand, most likely three grand a month. So,