Garage Sales (Real Life)

English, baby! Daily Podcasts show

Summary: Stuff has a way of piling up. Even if you have a lot of storage, you will run out of room eventually. Everyone has some things they could get rid of. But how? You don’t just want to throw your stuff away. That would be wasteful, and it’s got to be worth something to someone. Time for a garage sale! A garage sale, also known as a yard sale or tag sale, is when you put all of the things you want to sell on your lawn or in your garage, put price tags on them, and sell them for a day or two. Shopping at garage sales can be a great way to find used furniture, electronics, and all sorts of fun surprises. Jason is thinking about having a garage sale. Listen to him discuss how to clear out some junk with Sara in this organization English lesson. -- View this and other great English lessons at