18 November 2012

Go Vegan Radio show

Summary: Guest SETH TIBBOTT celebrates the sale of the 3 millionth TOFURKY, the vegan Thanksgiving staple that he created that has led to an expansive line of popular vegan foods - and BOB talks turkey: turkey suffering, turkey eating and the environment, turkey eating and world hunger, and WHY EATING STRAWBERRIES WOULD BE A MORE TRADITIONAL OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING THAN TURKEY EATING - Also - It's FUR FREE FRIDAY - time to remind shoppers that when they give the gift of fur, they give the gift of anal electrocution - and if they like the fat and hairy look, they can stop shaving and eat more cheeseburgers (sorry, didn't mean that - too mean for a vegan to ever suggest flesh consumption, even for worst enemy) - Plus - Congrats to KCAA RADIO CEO FRED LUNDGREN, having the happy Thanksgiving his cardiologist thought he would never see, outliving that doctor's 3-month life-expectancy prediction by 6 months because FRED followed BOB's suggestions for going vegan and FRED is now 75 pounds lighter, exercising 40 minutes daily, and off his blood pressure medications.