The Girl Who Gets To Wear Cute Clothes Into Her 50′s

Venus Index show

Summary: Today John talks to Terry Clauss who placed seventh in the 6th Venus Index Transformation Contest. Check out her transformation pictures from the 12 Week Contest: The inner athlete Terry always knew she had an athlete inside herself.  She knew she was strong and she liked to workout, but she never got the truth about calories until she found the Venus Index Workout. Like many of us she only had one half of the equation down; exercise.   We couldn't understand why when we worked out and built muscle we just looked bulky, hefty, and strong instead of feminine, sleek, and strong.  It's all about calories (along with a superior workout design). Terry loves her new look, strong yet feminine.  That is how the Venus Index is designed.  “The focus is proportions and shape (rather than weight loss at all costs or building muscle like a guy)” – John Barban. Like most of us Terry learned the hard way regarding diet.  After years of trendy diets and good food lists and bad food lists, Terry found the Anything Goes way of eating refreshing. That's what we do in the Venus Index Community. As far as food goes you can have everything you want, just not all at once.  You learn to setup your own calorie budget and follow it.  No more depriving yourself of foods you love.  Just learn to eat the right amount for your size. She is learning to enjoy being fit and have a nice shape without worrying so much about overall weight. You can wear cute clothes in your 50's Ever wonder what it's like to have the following problem; You are a grandmother shopping in the junior's section because nothing in the women's section is small enough to fit you.   Well Terry knows, just ask her how much fun it is. Clothes shopping and planning for work or social events used to be stressful.  Now it's fun.  It used to be that nothing looked good or felt good.  Now everything is cute and fun. This was a big deal to Terry. The problem used to be nothing fit right, nothing felt right, and nothing was comfortable.  Now the problem is everything fits and you can't buy the whole section of cute small clothes that all fit and look good.  It's like you turned into a barbie doll.  It's just about every woman's dream. Like many of us, Terry found her dream in the Venus Index Community.  She said the community is amazing.  Everyone chimed in to answer her questions and give her support.  She learned to love blogging there. When she didn't have anything to blog about she read what others wrote and was amazed at the lessons learned.  She is amazed at all the successful transformations and that it is not a bunch of fake advertisements. These are real women of all ages, from all over the world, achieving their dreams and transforming their lives. Check out the comparison; The first picture was Terry when she was 60 pounds heavier.  She has lost 41 pounds since she started Venus Index. The second picture is Terry now.   She has done a fabulous job.  Her hard work and dedication to her health and fitness has paid off!   Advice from Terry: The Venus Index program really works! Join a transformation contest Follow the Venus Index exercise plan as designed Use the Venus Index Community for support "Divide and conquer" exercise and diet; because calories do count Keep a journal or blog for accountability as well as to help others Calories matter; figure out how many calories you need Don't be afraid to ask questions If you want to wear cute clothes again, give the Venus Index a try   Read what Terry wrote about her experience with Venus Index: I began VT6 by doing VI Circuits but then switched back to Phase 2. I think Circuits is a great workout and I will go back to it at some point  ... Continue reading here. Listen to Terry's interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done: