Raising A BLERD; Black Nerds- William Jackson, M.Ed

The Gist of Freedom   Preserving American History through Black Literature . . . show

Summary: Join The Gist of Freedom as we welcome William Jackson, M.Ed. Engineering, STEAM Instructor. Mr. Jackson encourages parents, educators and communities stakeholders to create an atomosphere to embrace young Blerds, Black Nerds. Because there is a growing number of prominent and successful people considered blerds such as President Obama,TV viewers are starting to see more and more blerd-type characters, such as Doc McStuffin in their television shows. little Zora Bell a 1st grader took technology into her own hands, becoming the youngest person to create a full-version mobile game application. Ball, who attends Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School, located in West Philadelphia, presented her creation at University of Pennsylvania’s “Bootstrap Expo,” TheGrio reported. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/31/showbiz/rise-of-black-nerds/index.html