015 - Diana Nock

Saturday Supercast show

Summary: Diana Nock is the creator of the recently completed Sugary Serials comic IMAGINARY FRIENDS FOREVER (www.imaginaryfriends.sugaryserials.com). In this episode of the Supercast she graciously lends her time to dig under the hood of her artistic process with me. We talk about her upbringing and what led her to comics, her education at MCAD (www.mcad.edu), her thoughts on word balloon useage, walking a line between a cartoony and a naturalistic style, as well as some of her favorite comics and influences. We also talk a bit about her other comics found on her Jinxville (www.jinxville.com) web site (Parental warning: some PG-13 content), including a 24-Hour Comic she completed last year. RSS Feed - http://recordings.talkshoe.com/rss38795.xml