inThirty 81 – Social Sharing

inThirty show

Summary: On this episode the guys talk about how they like to social network.  Turns out the guys all truly hate the state of social networking to the point that they sound like the elders on the internet telling 'them 'youngins to get off their damn lawns. Part 1: We talk about Falcon Pro's Twitter API limiting.  We all agree that we care because users bring social interaction to Twitter. Part 2: Next Chaim details the new Google+ oAuth offering.  Spoiler alert:  Chaim loves it, Harry says he rather iCloud (whatever that means). Part 3: We go back into discussing what should be the new social network.  We talk about's freemium model. [Editor's note: We should be back to normal in terms of posting.  New episodes should be out on Friday].   Show Notes Harry on ADN Curious Rat on ADN Chaim on ADN Justin on ADN The Understatement “Twitter Doesn’t Want You” | “Falcon Pro Update Resets Twitter ID Tokens, Hopes to Free Up A Few More Spots” | Droid-Life “Introducing Google+ Sign-In: simple and secure, minus the social spam” | Google Developers Blog