GoodReader USB

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Summary: I previously uploaded a GoodReader USB video about 1 and 1/2 - 2 years ago. The video was uploaded to my old YouTube account so I no longer had access to that video. Anyway, GoodReader USB is a free tool and I find it to be very useful for file management on my iPad. The one benefit to using GoodReader for files and documents is that your files are local, unlike services like like Dropbox where they are uploaded to the 'cloud' so they can sync between devices. Sure the cloud makes things easier to manage but do you really want to upload important files to a service and trust that your info is kept safe/private? Not that I don't trust Dropbox but somethings are best if kept local only. Also with GoodReader you can setup passwords for each folder you have in GoodReader that way if someone has access to your iPad then they will not have access to your important files/documents. GoodReader USB works with your iPad connected to your computer via USB cable or you can also set it up to work over your network and add files wirelessly using the browser on your desktop and your local IP-address. I personally prefer using the USB cable and that is how I use it so that is how I demo GoodReader USB in the video above. Download GoodReader USB free for both OS X and Windows: More GoodReader: If you do not own GoodReader then you can purchase it for your iPad in the App Store for only $4.99: Did you find this video helpful? Do you have a question or comment? Contact me on Twitter @iCrizzo.