Blue Beetle – Smashing The Restaurant Racket. Pt 1 and 2, 400731. c

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Police officer, Dan Garret is loved by everyone, but suspected of no one of being the Blue Beetle. Part 1: Restaurant owners are being forced to pay protection to racketeers. Dan and his professor friend discuss the reasons why protection rackets work. If only businessmen would be more brave, and take a stand for themselves. Dan and his police partner break up a strike picket line when it's proven to be a false union. Cops convince restaurant owners to spy on the racketeer's union. Where the law falls short, the Blue Beetle swings into action to take up the slack. As usual, Blue Beetle gets thumped on the head, and the gangsters set the office on fire. What will happen? Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion. Part 2: The Blue Beetle manages to come to after his knock on the head, as well as rescuing a grateful woman who has hard evidence against the protection racketeers. . The evidence leads the Blue Beetle to none other than the Mayor himself. Nope, the mayor isn't corrupt, but the Beetle exposes close advisors, and prominent men who are. The bad guy is chased in his airplane, and the Blue Beetle forces him down by jumping from one plane's wing to another. Wow! Is that bravery? Or just being stupid! It all ends well, the restaurant owners are relieved of oppression, and even the poor and needy of the city benefit.