Episode 33, June 14, 2006 - Brian and Jeff from CommandN.tv

thunderbird six show

Summary: Jeff MacArthur and Brian McKechnie from CommandN.tv talking vidcasting, tech and the future of both. Jeff and Brian are part of the team that brings you the hugely popular (how does 7 TB served up in May sound....) vidcast Commandn.tv. Each week the CommandN team delivers fresh tech content, tips hacks and other cool stuff. Dave sat down via Skype with Brian and Jeff and they talked a bit about the future of vidcasting and podcasting and how they got involved. Then they talked a little about what the biggest tech developments of the past year have been and what the Next Big Thing (tm) might be. It was a great time, though as Canadians we all had to end the interview to go watch hockey. Thanks again guys, it was a blast.