Mira and Jayson Calton: Rich Food, Poor Food, Fat Free Fruit Juice, and Eating Green Worms

The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James. Paleo Nutrition, Ancestral Health, and Primal Fitness show

Summary: Mira and Jayson Calton are authors, rockstars, and some of the first guests ever on the show. So happy to have them back. During an unconventional honeymoon where they visited over 100 countries in search of knowledge regarding the relationship between micronutrient deficiencies and public health and disease, the explored how specific dietary patterns and lifestyle choices affect development of disease around the world. In their new book, Rich Food, Poor Food, the Caltons tackle the dangerous waters of the modern-day supermarket. With intros from our friends Mark Sisson and Dr. William Davis, Rich Food, Poor Food is an essential tool to help us dodge the frankenfoods so we can get straight to the good stuff. Highly recommended! If you'd like to check out a free sample of their book, you can download it here. Also, I just got news that Fat-Burning Man was just featured in WIRED Magazine in the same breath as Tim Ferriss. For a geek like me, being in WIRED is pretty much the best thing ever... Nerd nirvana. So if you haven't read it yet, take a gander. In today's show we cover: Why micronutrient deficiency is the most dangerous and devastating health condition of the 21st century How to find the highest quality real foods in the average supermarket Deceptive marketing tactics used by food manufacturures to trick you into thinking their food is healthy Why fat free fruit juice is a sham Why Mira is stoked to find a little green worm in her salad And tons more... Here's the show. (download link) Subscribe to my PODCAST on iTunes (and leave a review to spread the word)!(Click the "View in iTunes" link and then click through to the "Subscribe" button.")