REPLAY--When WDGP Interviewed Ms. Computer Lady Prt 2 1/12

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

Summary: WHILE MS. COMPUTER LADY IS ON HER BREAK ENJOY THE REPLAY OF THE SHOW IN WHICH MS. COMPUTER LADY WAS INTERVIEWED ON LADEE 16'S WDGP RADIO.  SORRY THE CHATROOM AND THE PHONE LINES WON'T BE OPEN. Missed the interview on Need to get the info again about Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC? Get the 411 from part 2 REPLAY of the interview with President/CEO Amber Hawkins (known as BTR's Ms. Computer Lady) of Toledo, OH. In Part 1, revelation on how Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC began, the challenges encountered in the early years of its existence, the explanation of just-in-time computer training, how onsite computer training and consulting is delivered, and comparison and constrast from viruses to malware to spyware and their dangers. Part 2 will deal with some of the ins and outs of small business ownership and the challenges of small business survival.