LOTSL 43 I Think We All Knew Those Windows Wouldn’t Be There Forever…

lotsl show

Summary: Before things start off, Dr. Wesley Pythagoras Stone feels like at failure at life because his weekends seem unremarkable to him.  He's ready to go... he wants to do something...  but what is he going to do? The rest of the LOTSL gang tries to find solutions for his sad predicament (this is probably a mistake). Next, Brenda Boo has a rant about her parents' 60th wedding anniversary party she attended.  It possibly didn't go so well. Then, after much angst and sober thinking, the LOTSL gang dives into this week's topic:  Do It Yourself Projects! The joys! The dust! The tragedies! The floor plans! The triumphs! The horrible design mistakes! As we end the show, Mark in Canada offers a signature LOTSL rant about work place environments and stupid co-workers who don't want to open their stupid windows! This episode's LOTSL role call: Brenda Boo! Jay the Hauntcub! Mark in Canada, Wes Stone, and Toppie Smellie! Subscribe to Life On the Shit List by searching for LOTSL on I