Why Playing It Safe May Be the Riskiest Path of All

Duct Tape Marketing show

Summary: Marketing podcast with Randy Gage Back when I started my own business, some twenty-five years ago, I was a bit of rebel. I was taking a leap and doing something that many considered terribly risky. Well, the game has changed dramatically since then and now not starting a business, not figuring out how to be paid well to do something you truly love or not taking a leap of faith is perhaps the only risky thing left in the world of work. This month I've been meeting with and interviewing coaches and consultants that help people chase what they were meant to do and I'm sharing their advice and stories as part of my monthly content theme. People like Martha Beck, Jonathan Fields, Pam Slim and Randy Gage appear on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast this month. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a single interview! For this week's episode I visit with Randy Gage, prosperity coach, speaker and author of nine books including Risky is the New Safe: The Rules Have Changed . . . Technology change, political change, human develop have led to a time where security is all together a different thing than it once was. Some of Gage's nuggests: Opportunities to solve problems are abundant and that's where wealth is created. We are all now in charge of creating our own channel and communicating that with the world. Technology makes audacious ideas reachable today. Nobody has a money shortage we simply have an idea shortage - come up with the right idea and money will be plentiful. Ask the right questions about every industry - Who owns the moon? What are the three things that keep my market awake at night? What's going to happen with every form of technology in my market? You must understand cyclical, linear, hard and soft trends to predict the future. If something is impossible, how could it be possible?