FA108 - 3 Key Fundamentals You Need That Business Bloggers Don’t Teach

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: You might want to blow everyone out of the water with your innovations or dazzle with cutting-edge advanced methods. But if you don’t have the right fundamentals in place, you will only blow out and frazzle yourself to pieces from burnout. But don’t worry, Tim and I don’t won’t let that happen to you! Fundamentals may not be that exciting, but if knowing and using them helps you achieve freedom and success, then I’m thrilled to practice them. What’s the shortcut to more Time, Income, and Mobility? Fundamentals. But, how often are these talked about and implemented? I’m not sure. I just know that a lot of people don’t teach them, especially Business Bloggers. And I’m sure the multitude who follow the Hope & Pray Blogging Model could save time, energy, and heartbreak by at least having an understanding of these 3 fundamentals. But it’s a lot more exciting to sell high-level tactical shortcuts and the idea of Build It, And They Will Come. It rallies the masses and gets everyone excited. There’s a time and place for those things, of course, and there’s always room to grow. But it’s easy to ignore real-world fundamentals for a while and look at your Google Analytics to see posts go viral, visitors in the thousands, posts comments galore – but is your bottom-line getting any bigger? If you don’t have a handle on the essentials, chances are it won’t. Break out the pen, grab the notepad, have a Come To Jesus meeting, and see where you can get back to the money-making basics.