Craig Ballantyne: Turbulence Training, Why Willpower Fails, and How to be Your Own Science Experiment

The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James. Paleo Nutrition, Ancestral Health, and Primal Fitness show

Summary: Craig Ballantyne is a fat loss and fitness expert who specializes in helping his clients get lean and strong with short, intense workouts. Craig’s super-popular Turbulence Training system is a targeted program that helps clients shed stubborn body fat without spending hours on the treadmill (sound familiar?). Craig holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology from McMaster University and he's written for Men’s Health, Maximum Fitness, Oxygen, and Men’s Fitness. He’s also a fat-burning beast. On the show, Craig and I cover: How to get lean in just a few minutes of exercise a week Why willpower crumbles Why you should consider getting a dog Equipment-free bodyweight exercises for beginners Why you experience better results when you enjoy your workouts The 12 rules Craig uses to lead a healthy, successful life How going gluten and dairy free helped Craig fix swelling in his hands How to be your own science experiment And tons more... Here's the show. (download link) Subscribe to my PODCAST on iTunes (and leave a review to spread the word)! (Click the "View in iTunes" link and then click through to the "Subscribe" button.")   To learn more about Craig's Turbulence Training program, check it out below. Highly recommended for quick, easy, fat-torching workouts.