010: Finding our Way Back Home Pt. 1

Mormon Stories - LDS show

Summary: Over the past few months, I’ve developed a friendship with several members of the LDS “Bloggernacle”–-including a young couple known as “Serenity Valley” and “Roasted Tomatoes”. This husband/wife pair live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and run a blog called, “Latter-Day Saint Liberation Front“. Serenity and RT are interesting and inspirational for many reasons…one of which being the spiritual journeys that each of them traveled on their way towards being sealed in the LDS Temple (RT being a former athiest turned LDS missionary, and Serenity having left the church to become an Episcopalian, only to return later). In part 1 of this 2 part series, we learn about their early years within the LDS church, and their journeys away from, and back to, faith.