Dealing with Addiction: A Real Personal Perspective – WarriorTalk with Dave Jenks

Free Enterprise Warriors show

Summary: <a href="" target="_blank">A study in 2004 said that more than two-thirds of American families have been touched by addiction</a> — either with alcohol or drugs.<br> Addiction comes in many different forms and is unique to each person.  But when you get down to the details, much of it is the same:  habits that can be dangerous and harm someone’s life.<br> Dave Jenks knows this personally.  In 1999, he stood up in front of a group of people and said “I’m Dave, and I’m an alcoholic.”<br> From that moment, Dave went through a transformation.  A transformation that helped to get his life back on track.  A transformation that he shares in this edition of WarriorTalk; one of the most heartfelt and honest discussions we’ve ever had.<br> If you suffer from an addiction or know someone that does, we created this for you.<br> TO LISTEN: Click the PLAY button on the player below.<br> TO DOWNLOAD AN MP3: <a href="" target="_blank">Right click this link and choose “Save File As…” or “Save Link As…”</a><br>