H3J (aka HTML5 CSS3 & Javascript)

Know Tech show

Summary: HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript is a promise that the industry is embracing right now with the idea that these "standards" will help deliver content in a better way. by better way it should be said, "without Flash." or something like that. because of that mindset H3J would be a better name. pronounced "hedge". mostly because the world is hedging a bet about how wonderful it's going to be compared to Flash. H3J goes beyond markup. and it's more than layout, pretty fonts, and slick animation. those features are all part of making a better user experience. a more workable "application" can drive business, readership and loyalty. it's a lot of features that we've seen before in technology like SVG, Shockwave and VRML. what comes around comes around. here's a summary of all the H3J features in a handy "power point like" slide show that was in fact made with the very technology. one of the powerful things about "web" compared to "application" is that there is nothing to install by the user end. they somehow find the page and start using it after making an account then logging in with the password "password". it's been a while since we've heard the cries of "I don't like plug-ins". mostly because developers have stopped making them. instead "web applications" have gravitated toward what the stock browser can do with add-ons that can come from permitted code running in Javascript. do I have to use Javascript? ugh. hurt me you say! for a developer the early days of developing using Javascript was heinous. it wasn't easy ways to debug the code you were writing. sure you could leave yourself bread crumbs or push results to a gather script on a server. but it wasn't much fun. but these are not an excuse any longer. in fact, it's such a an old outdated cry that it usually it comes from somebody who hasn't touched any of today's modern tools have all of these functions. so get over it already. we will cover tools in-depth in future conversations. there was a discussion about how open or not open H3J really was in the blogosphere. it was interesting backlash about the Apple HTML5 demo because it was specifically targeted to demo using Safari. while others found ways around this requirement to find that other browsers faired okay when running the pages. but this will always be a problem just like it's been with supporting IE, FF and Safari for years. so H3J is about video, audio and other content that is open right? and killing Flash? so before you torch up to march against you have to ask what's not to love about Flash? just because it doesn't run on that thing doesn't mean it's crap. Flash still has a place. there's possibly more games available that run in Flash compared to any other player. and lots of advertising demands the programability of Flash for reporting stats and behavior. so just like how Windows XP won't die Flash has a long, long life left. the discussion of video and audio being close/open is a whole talk. in fact we did that for Video Compression (http://knowtech.tv/video-compression/). but it boils down to one thing: if content producers are extorted money because they used a specific CODEC they will re-encode their content into a different format post haste. because ultimately the person watching the video doesn't care what format it's delivered in any more than they care what studio is distributing a movie or show. H3J extends what has been missing from HTML and offers features that will go beyond "a really cool demo." H3J has lots to offer. we think there is lots to like here in a way that make sense. here's a list of all the functions that you might enjoy coding someday. don't try to learn it all at once! @font-face Canvas Canvas Text HTML5 Audio HTML5 Video rgba() hsla() border-image: border-radius: box-shadow: Multiple backgrounds opacity: CSS Animations CSS Columns CSS Gradients CSS Reflections CSS 2D Transforms CSS 3D Transforms