Last call for Kodachrome

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Summary: it's now or NEVER! there is only one place to develop film left and December it's over a year ago less 1% off Kodak film business came from Kodachrome but it's been "being turned off" for the better part of 20 years! what is so special about Kodachrome ( it's the only film of it's type developing is an additive process most BW film removes particle from the negative archival stable blue has a 10% loss after 185 years. think "steam punk" it looks different from anything else I've seen you can look at a slide and KNOW that it's Kodachrome because of the additive development process you can see it looks like textures part of it's beauty is that it's slow film you have to project it it's a bitch to make a print from very forgiving film it has a range of 8 stops meaning you can botch the exposure and still get a good looking image what about OLD film? it has a room temperature shelf life of 8 months most photographers froze their stock old film as long as it was store properly will work today reports of stock from 1991 reported to look great the song mama don't take my Kodachrome away simon and garfunkle this came out when I was kid I was 8. that was 1973 guess it has been uneconomical that LONG! personal I stopped shooting with it because it was expensive to buy and develop E6 was something you could do in your own dark room! it was slow I was kid, I was impatient. took weeks to get rolls back what's next? digital! there are still some very pretty film alternatives list goes here where to get your last rolls NO WAITING! DO IT TODAY! eBay your local camera shop check your bag. old film is stable. don't pay too much though. links ( ( ( ( every package over the years ( ( K-Lab processor ( [ad#720 bottom banner]