Shelly Palmer Radio Report – February 18, 2013

Shelly Palmer Digital Living - Daily Radio Report show

Summary: It’s late at night, and you’ve spent most of your weekend working on a presentation you have to give your boss tomorrow morning. Just as you go to save your work, your computer locks up. You smash your keys and hope for a miracle. Nothing happens. You realize your worst nightmare is true: your computer crashed and your work is gone. Now, imagine how much more devastating that crash would be if your computer was controlling military drones or was involved in a medical procedure. Two computer scientists at University College London are working on this problem and have designed a computer that never crashes. Rather than doing just one thing at a time like “normal” computers, their computer responds to random and unpredictable events and was made to instantly recover corrupted data. That means less frustration, more productivity and no more smashing of keys. Drones stay on course and your presentation is back, saved and all is right with the world.