Journey to the Cross: Preparation

Eastbrook Church Sermons show

Summary: “Preparation” [Journey to the Cross, Gospel of Mark, part 4] Text: Mark 14:1-11 February 16/17, 2013 Pastor Matt Erickson “She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.” (Mark 14:8) Insiders Moving Outside (Mark 14:1-2, 10-11) Two sandwiches The chief priests and the teachers of the law (14:1; 11:18) Judas Iscariot (14:10-11) An Outsider Moving Inside (Mark 14:3-7) The action and the gift The indignant onlookers The rebuke of Jesus The Appropriate Place of Extravagance (Mark 14:8-9) Foretelling Gospel impact Discussion Questions: What is one of the most extravagant situations you have ever been a part of? This week we will look at Mark 14:1-11. Whether on your own or with a group, begin your study by asking God to speak to you. Then read the passage aloud. In the background of this passage are the Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread. Take a moment to read through Exodus 12:1-30 for background on these Feasts. How would you describe the chief priests and teachers of the law (14:1)? You may also want to look at 11:18 and 12:12. Why do you think Judas agreed to betray Jesus? You may want to look at other parallel passages in the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John. According to Jesus, what does the woman’s extravagant gift relate to? Earlier, Jesus taught that “whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (10:44). How do you think this woman lives out this reality in Mark 14? What is one specific thing that God is speaking to you from this study? Write it down. If you are in a small group, discuss this together.