Tiny – Further Discussions and the Changes to the Podcast are (somewhat) Discussed

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Summary: Note: Our forum is down. We discuss further topics from "Tiny," then I address (in an abbreviated way) why the changes were made to the podcast. Also giving a shoutout to @davejackson, too. Evil people, it seems can't be evil on their own. Giants are a cult? The Dharma initiative? The Tiniest Mermaid Greg Mendell is much improved, but is a Prince James and Jack, the Un-Charmings If you swim with the sharks, you will get bit and worse. Eye in the window is a nod to a Disney movie? Hook gave up Tiny to keep David, Snow and Grumpy from finding something else? Terminal C sign colors looks like a acid reflux medication box What are Anton's medallions on his (cool looking) bathrobey costume? Anton didn't eat all the giant making mushroom. Just sayin' Clock reflection on Belle's wall David is worried about becoming James. I think he will one day. An Email from Lorrie I was listening to the podcast and someone brought up the point of Belle's broken cup not being cleaned up yet and the fact that she may get looking at the pieces and the charm still working to restore her memory. That got me thinking, what if she steps on a shard of the cup that gets missed when it was cleaned up and cuts her foot. There are numerous instances of magic being activated or transferred through a finger being pricked. The story of sleeping beauty and the spindle, David with the spinning wheel to deliver the sleeping curse, and Gold with the globe to find Bae's location. What if Belle steps on a piece of the cup, cuts her foot and the magic is transferred to her and this is how her memory is restored? Just a thought. Jeff - That is a possibility. We'll see what happens when he gets back to Storybrooke. Voicemail from Karen from Maryland Jeff - Hi Karen. Colleen agrees with you. Bae is too obvious to find so soon, but hey we were wrong about Frankenstein. Voicemail from Dave from Michigan Jeff - Ladies and Gentlemen (especially Evil Regals), remember those were Dave's thoughts. Our podcast is on Itunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-time-podcast/id480653028). Please leave some great reviews and comments. We really appreciate it. P.S. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who have already left ratings and reviews. We have the best listeners in the world! There are a number of ways to get ahold of us and stay connected; Brand new Facebook Fan Page: http://facebook.com/ouatpodcast Website: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com Voicemail line: 657-333-0626 Email: oncepodcast@gmail.com Twitter: @ouatpodcast A Closer Look at OUAT Blog: http://blog.onceuponatime.com Our Once Upon a Time Podcast Amazon Store is here. Please use our link: http://store.onceuponatimepodcast.com If you need professional Voice Over work, look no further than Wayne "The Voice of the OUAT Fan Podcast" Henderson at http://mediavoiceovers.com. Tell him the OUAT Fan Podcast sent ya! :) Thanks for listening and spreading the word. Jeff and Colleen.