Pray for God to Rebuke Satan the Devil from Using Secular Humanism to Take Down Our Nation (The Prayer Motivator Devotional #96)

The Prayer Motivator with Daniel Whyte III show

Summary: Our prayer motivator verse for today is Psalm 27:8 which reads: "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek." <br><br> Our thought for today is that when we pray, our spirit, mind, and heart should be concentrating on communicating with God. <br><br> Our prayer motivator quote for today is from Johannes Gossner. He said, "Prayer is a spiritual law which cooperates with the mind of God. It has more in it than merely petition. It clothes itself in reality and power,with the force of God Himself. It is an attitude of spirit and mind. Language is secondary in true prayer." <br><br> Our prayer motivator devotional for today is titled PRAY FOR GOD TO REBUKE SATAN THE DEVIL FROM USING SECULAR HUMANISM TO TAKE DOWN OUR NATION from J. Gordon Henry: <br><br> There is a well-organized attack upon Biblical revelation and morality. Satan's tool is secular humanism that is promoted by a group known as the American Humanist Association. This movement is set against God and has permeated society with its spiritual poison. The humanists declare that belief in God is the highest form of self-deception. They think that the world would be better off without God. They believe that man is alone in this universe. <br><br> Don't think that secular humanism is a figment of fearful imagination invented by extreme, far-right fundamentalists. Here are the facts. In modern times, two astonishing documents have been drawn-up, amply signed, publicly proclaimed, and then universally fulfilled --- Humanist Manifesto I and Humanist Manifesto II. The first was published in 1933 and the second was published in 1973. Both were printed in official publications of humanist organizaions. Both were signed by a small number of incredibly influential people holding significant positions in all areas of society---science, politics, the arts, literature, the media, religion, philosophy, and education. <br><br> By reading through these documents, you will gain stunning insight into the source of what is wrong throughout our society. You will see that the thrust of the well-organized attack upon Biblical revelation and morality mentioned earlier is delineated in these documents. Truly, these Manifestos are an attack upon the very conception of God. Once you understand the war against God, you will be in a position to enter into the battle through prayer with understanding and insight. As you read your daily newspaper, you will be amazed at the examples of the spiritual warfare in attacks against those things you hold dear. This will move you to pray for our nation to be saved from secular humanism. <br><br> + Plus, listen to Tobymac singing "City On Our Knees"