Midweek: Libby Purves is joined by Hans Klok

Midweek: Diverse Conversation show

Summary: Libby Purves is joined by illusionist Hans Klok, reputedly 'the fastest magician in the world'; Adrian Jackson who is a writer and director.His latest play ‘A Few Man Fridays’ tells the story of how the British government evicted 2000 islanders from the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean during the cold war to make way for a US military base. Sabrina Jean's family were part of that community & she joins in with her story. Scholar Mary M Talbot's latest book 'Dotter of her Father's Eyes' is part biography and part personal history; Dave Kelly lost his sight fifteen years ago and after two years of struggling to adjust to his condition, he was inspired to set up his own charity, Daisy UK. The charity runs sports sessions for the disabled, including blind football and wheelchair basketball.