105 Emotional intelligence- Emotional Literacy- Your baby can read

Raising Playful Tots |  Simple Parenting show

Summary: Reading each others emotions via Emotional Intelligence. Today's interview is with Laura Markham, PhD. She is a clinical psychologist trained at Columbia University. But she's also a mom, so she translates proven science into the practical solutions you need for the family life you want. Her relationship-based parenting model has helped thousands of families across the U.S. and the English-speaking world find compassionate, common-sense solutions to everything from separation anxiety and sleep problems to sass talk and cell phones. Follow Dr Laura on Facebook Plus in the show I talk about what happened to " Your baby can Read" Listen:: Listen to this week’s show | subscribe through iTunes | on-the-go device What we learn in this podcast:: What is emotional intelligence? What are the benefits of focussing on EQ for parents? How do we show/teach EQ with our children? What playful activities can parents start doing today to see to make an impact on EQ? Are there any resources you would recommend? Links:: Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting :: Dr Markham's new book Playful Parenting The Art of Roughhousing Daily newsletter at Aha Parenting Janet Lansberg: Your baby can read Q&A Your baby can read via CCFC Your baby can play :: Play Activities Now that you listened to this episode of Raising Playful Tots, here’s what you could to do next: Education is meaningless without action. So, tell me what you learned from this episode, and how you plan to apply it to your family in the comment section. If you enjoyed this episode, do me a favor and share it on Twitter or Facebook. Or better yet, send a personal email to one of your friends whom you’d think would love this. This part is important. I’m currently have only a few reviews on iTunes, and I need to get to 10 reviews. If you have a few seconds, can you please go to iTunes and leave me an honest review (after subscribing). Thank you. Links::