Yoga Minute Stand-Up Desk Edition

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Welcome once again to another Yoga Minute exercise. Yoga Minute Stand-Up Desk Edition Business Feb-12-2013 // Episode highlights: 00:37 - Start with the Eagle Pose 00:52 - Next is the Dancer's Pose 01:17 - Finally, the Tree Pose Join SilverCircle today Get new internet marketing courses from FastWebFormula James Schramko here and look, your reaction was really good and positive for my Yoga Manu Minute. My brother-in-law Manu came and taught us some yoga, so this week I’ve asked him to come back and talk about what we can do when we’re at our stand-up desk. Stand-up desks are older age and it’s great to be standing there but what can you do when you’re at your stand-up desk to get loose and flexible. Take it away Manu. Hi, welcome to Yoga Manu Yoga Minute (from  ), this is Manu here. Today I’m going to show you three standing yoga poses for your stand-up desk. We Begin With The Eagle Pose First one is the Eagle Pose. You can do that by just crossing one leg over at a time and bending your knees a little bit. Yup, that activates the pelvic flow and strengthens the leg. Keep Your Hips Square And Know Your Limits The second one is the Dancer’s Pose, where you hold your ankle from the side, slowly keeping the hips square. And then slowly stretch your leg as farther back as you can. Remember to know your limits and keep it simple. So you’re stretching your hip flexors, your quads and then returning back slowly. Photo credit Try The Three Tree Pose Variations Or You Could Give The Expert Pose A Shot The third pose is the Tree Pose. In the Tree Pose, you gently place one foot as high as you can – option one, option two – below the knee or option three – even on the floor. So that’s the Tree Pose. If you’re an experienced yogi, feel free to grab your toe and then slowly stretch it out and back in. So from the side view, you’re holding your toe and slowly stretching out, make sure you’re not kicking anything next to you, and back again. So these are the three postures. Making sure collapsing the hip – No no! Square hip, activating the hip – Yes! Thank you for joining me for your Yoga Manu Yoga Minute, see you next time. Well, there you go, thank you Manu. That’s what I’ll be doing at my stand-up desk this week. I appreciate your comments right near this video, I’m James Schramko and I’ll see you soon.